Hi! We are TIm and Lauren, and we have seven biological children and one adopted.  Since our adoption of Isaiah in 2020, we are continually reminded of our son's birth mother and the bravery, strength, and love that she possesses.

Our whole family knows how brave Isaiah's birth mother is. 

It is important to us to convey that to Isaiah and the whole family. 

You are possibly the next brave and courageous woman in our lives...our hearts will be the same for you as it is for Isaiah's birth mom. One of love and compassion. 

Thank you for taking the time to read our story. Pictures and letters never convey all that we would hope they would. We pray God would fill in the gaps as He always does. 

As we thought about how we could encourage you in all that you are wrestling with right now, we thought a scripture verse would be best. "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 

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Financial Support

Expectant mothers who choose to make an adoption plan may qualify for some level of financial assistance during their pregnancy. However, each person's situation and specific needs are different. Your adoption social worker can help you determine what level of assistance you qualify for and deserve. Many expectant mothers qualify for financial assistance to cover basic pregnancy and living expenses, including but not limited to - transportation reimbursement, utility assistance for phone, water, and electricity/gas, maternity clothing and supplements, etc.


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FAQ’s about placing a baby for Adoption

I'm considering giving my baby up for adoption. How much does that cost?

It won't cost you anything. If you choose to place your baby for adoption, all of your medical and legal fees will be covered and you may be eligible for financial assistance with other pregnancy-related expenses.

I'm experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and don't know who the birth father is. Can I still place my baby for adoption?

Yes. Even if you don’t know the identity of the birth father, you can still choose to make an adoption plan. However, every adoption situation is different. The adoption social worker you’re assigned to will get to know you and your story first, and then guide you through the process accordingly.

When is the right time to talk with an adoption professional?

You can make an adoption plan at any point in your pregnancy, even after the baby has been born. But, it's important to start the process as early in your pregnancy as possible. Connecting with those resources will allow you to gain access to important medical services, including prenatal care, to help ensure a healthy pregnancy.

When I create an adoption plan, will I get to choose who is in the room with me during delivery?

One aspect of your adoption plan is the "Hospital Plan" an outline of how you'd like your hospital stay and delivery to go. You can craft this on your own or with the help of your adoption social worker. But everything is up to you. You’ll be able to choose who comes to the hospital with you, who is in the room with you during delivery, and how much time you’d like to spend with the baby before signing the final papers.

How much contact will I have with the adoptive family after I place my baby with them?

As part of your adoption plan, you'll determine whether or not you’d like to have an open or closed adoption or something in between. Open adoptions may include phone calls, messaging (via social media, email, or text), and/or periodic visits each year. Closed adoptions may include no contact at all or annual updates provided to the birth parent(s) by the adoptive family. Each post-adoption relationship is different and can vary based on what an expectant mother chooses in her adoption plan.

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Our Blogs

Our two birthday buddies :)


Isaiah and Lila recently celebrated their birthdays and we had a combined party for them here at home. We love to celebrate with all our family during our children's birthdays. They have a wonderful support group of 20 cousins and Aunties and Uncles who live within doorsteps of our kids. Both sets of grandparents are involved and we are so blessed to have them all in our lives! Isaiah got some new books for his birthday. He loves to be read to. We are always adding to our collection of good diverse books in our home. 

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We got to meet one of our favorite artists!


Our older kids went to a Christian Outreach festival and met one of their favorite rappers! Lila got a picture of course! They had a great time with friends. We love music in our house and rap is one of our favorite genres. You can hear it playing most nights during our kitchen clean up time. 🤪

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Fourth of July activities


Yesterday, we had a great day as a family. We enjoy all the festive activities around the 4th of July. We went to a parade with friends in the morning and the kids each got a huge bag of candy! Haha. After that we had some friends over for the day. The kids enjoyed boating, tubing, volleyball, basketball, s'mores, fishing, good food, and good times with friends. It was a beautiful day to create lasting memories of fun and friends and family. Speaking of friends, our friends Wendy and Gradon were here and they are an adoptive family too, and are currently waiting on this website too! So it is a wonderful community we have, not only because we have great friends who are great people, but also because we share adoption as a bond and the children have support and have many things in common. What a blessing. 

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Summer means beach days!


We love heading into town and going to the beach with friends. Our homeschool group meets up at a local spot weekly to enjoy the sand and water. Summer time is so beautiful. It is a slower time to enjoy activities and of course friends! Our usual beach day involves picking up a favorite snack in town and heading to the lake and then picking up a smoothie for the ride home. These small weekly adventures create such great memories. I think it is the little things like this that are the best! 

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Happy Juneteenth Freedom Day


As a transracial family we celebrate this day. It is important for me, a mother of an African American son, to celebrate these days with our whole family. Part of that is growing in culture and knowledge of where all of our children have come from and their background, and ancestry. This is just one day out of the year to do that.  As Isaiah and our next adopted child grows, we will all learn together and grow together in how to navigate these waters of being a blended family. ❤️

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Happy Birth Father's Day


 On Birth Father's Day:  Relationships can be complex, maybe yours is a good and wonderful relationship in which you both aren't ready for a child. Sometimes the relationships between birth mothers and birth fathers can be less than ideal, and I understand that sometimes birth fathers aren't present at all. But I still wanted to take time to recognize birth fathers today, Isaiah's and our future child(ren). As I get ready to celebrate my husband tomorrow and the wonderful Father he is, I pray for you too, our future birth father. Maybe you will be a big part of this story we are writing, maybe you won't. But either way, you are important. Happy birth father's day to you. 

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Our sweet Naomi


Today I thought I would say a few words about our 4th child Naomi. She is 11 and she is a sweet girl. She loves deeply and is very excited for a new addition to our family. She loves being with friends and having a good time, she enjoys being able to stay up late and watch movies with her older brothers and sisters, but she also loves taking care of babies and playing legos with the little kids. She loves to be funny and silly. She loves horses and sports and she especially loves being able to walk over to grandma's house every day. Grandma tells them stories and always has a treat for our kids. 

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My prayer time today


As I took a bit of time this morning to read and pray, I was in prayer for you and your situation. I can't really put into words the complexity of this whole process, but I am certain that your end of this is heavy. As I sit here this morning, you are heavy upon my heart. I just wanted you to know. And I am in prayer for whoever sees this...it is the beauty of prayer. I'm not sure who exactly I am praying for, but God does. I find comfort in that. ❤️

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Our weekend


We had a full weekend this past week! Grad parties, piano recitals, church and more. After the girls piano recital, we all went out to eat to celebrate their hard work. We couldn't all fit at the same table...lol...but the younger kids who sat with us had a great time! The older kids sat with grandma and grandpa. :) It is amazing how the ordinary small things of life can often be the most fun. I thought the pictures were cute, so I had to share. 

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Lila's big day!


Lila, our oldest child, just had her graduation party this past weekend. It was such a special day for her! We had an outdoor party at our house with all our friends and family and community. She is so loved and supported. All our kids helped and enjoyed it. We love having large get togethers at our house. The bigger the better! ❤️

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Tim and I


As I think about our children and how happy it makes me to have a vibrant home with lots of voices and lives, I am grateful for my marriage today. On this journey of adoption, it makes you think and ponder a lot of things. What is really important in a family? What is most important for our children and for your child? Besides the Lord I am convinced that a strong and loving marriage in the home is the most important and most comforting thing to a child growing up. I am so thankful for Tim today. I am thankful for our relationship. He is my very best friend, and our bond is so special to me. We love each other more every year and our relationship is sweet and loving. I'm so thankful for that for our children and their stability and security. 

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Our new frames...with you in mind


I set up some new frames for my kiddos pictures today....I thought I would share.   



I thought that maybe I would take a few blogs to highlight our children individually since the profile itself doesn't give a lot of room for that. I am so thankful for each one of my children and the personalities and gifts they have. Our Canaan is 6 six years old and loves anything sports related right now. His favorite is basketball and he tries so hard to keep up with the big boys. It is so cute. He is our child who wants twins and told our social worker so during our homestudy update. He has a tender heart and loves babies and little ones. He just recently lost his front tooth. That is a big deal in a little boy's life. He also loves being read to and loves audiobooks, even though he is an active little guy. I love that he has all his brothers and sisters to play with and love on him and wrestle with. :) 

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Gus Macker Weekend


This weekend Noah and Abram played with friends in the Gus Macker. They had a great time and we all had a great time going to watch them play. Even though we have a large family and you would think it would be hard to participate in a lot of things, or at least for all of us to attend, we all try hard to support each other in the things our kids and siblings love and want to do! Our children have a wonderful support system not only in their parents, but also in ALL of their siblings. It really is a wonderful gift.         

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Dinner Time!


Today I just wanted to send a picture of a very informal and normal event at our home...dinner time! We love enjoying dinner together every night, Tim is taking the picture so you won't see him, but it is our time of the day to reconnect with dad after work and enjoy good homecooked meals together. It is a very important part of our day....no matter how crazy it is sometimes! Someone wanted a picture of the ranch beard he got while enjoying his dinner tonight! :)

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Happy Birth Mother's Day!


Many times today, over the course of the day, you came to my mind. The new birth momma that will enter our life sometime. I wonder how you are doing, how you are feeling, what life looks like for you right now. If there is one thing I know about the adoption process on this end of it, it is emotional. I bet it is emotional for you. I am sure this process is full of mixed emotions.  My heart longs to pray for you and to lift you up to our Heavenly Father as you go through this incredibly monumental time in your life. I don't know what you are exactly going through, but He does. I pray that He would bring you to mind when you need prayer, or encouragement, or anything really. I rely on Him for that. And I believe He will do that. So, I want to honor and celebrate you today, as I have Isaiah's birth momma...Happy Birth Mother's Day.    

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Track Day!


Naomi, Sybil, and Canaan got to participate in a track day at our local school just to try out the events and spark an interest in the sport. My kids had a blast! (Somehow Naomi missed the portrait session!) 

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Choir concert weekend!


This past weekend we had our kids choir concert. It is a large group of homeschool children that performs twice a year in front of our community. It is such a great time! Lila, Noah, and Naomi all had solos and we spent the evening with our good friends. We have included a picture of the whole choir below. Our kids are learning how to sing well in 3 part harmonies and perform and act, which lets them express themselves musically. They all love it from the youngest to the oldest. 

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Trip to Minneapolis


This past weekend we all took a short trip to Minneapolis to visit a college for Lila and to have fun celebrating Sybil's birthday! She turned 8! I can't believe it. We decided to stay at a waterpark and all the kids enjoyed it so much. What wonderful memories together. ❤️

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Concert in Minneapolis


When we were in Minneapolis last weekend we had the chance to go to a concert from the Gray Havens at a local church. The kids enjoyed it, we really do love all kinds of music and going to concerts. 😀  

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another pic from the concert


Here's another pic from the concert.

pictures from Minneapolis



One more :)


One more picture

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Dinner and Play with Lila and Noah


As our school year winds down, our older two children were able to do a fancy dinner at our local university and also attend a play with their classmates and parents.  It was such a fun time together! Lila got her hair and nails done and Noah went to a local barbar and played basketball with friends at the Y before the event. It was fun to spend time with our older children. It is very important to us as parents to spend quality time together one on one....or two. :) 

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Hanging out at home


One of our favorite games to play with the little children is Matching Bears...which is just Memory with cute little bears instead. Our kids love being able to play with Daddy. They love to beat him! 

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Baking at home!


It is always a treat when kids get to lick the frosting from the beaters!! It is so cute when our littlest ones get to enjoy it too! 

Thinking of you...


As I, Lauren, pray and seek the Lord during this time of waiting, I am in constant thought of our future birth mother. And not only her but other birth mothers who are in a time of decision. I am praying for you today, whoever reads this, even if I never know who you are or never meet you. I am praying for you as you wrestle with a lot of decisions. I have a deep burden on my heart for you. I tell people all the time..I am praying big prayers to the Lord, for birth mommas all over our nation to find comfort and strength in the Lord. For Him to give peace and clarity and wisdom for all the trials you may be going through. I thought I would share a verse that I am really loving right now....it's in the picture below.  

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Memories at home


I really enjoy just normal slower days at home. I think that the best memories are made with the family you love and the people you enjoy. We try to make our home a place where all ages are able to relax and have fun in a loving and peaceful enviornment surrounded by many people who love them. We are a very normal family with kids who get on each others nerves sometimes, aren't always nice, and occasionally have bad days. But overall, we encourage our kids to learn to love and appreciate one another and the bond they have as brothers and sisters. They really are very close. They are all so excited to welcome another brother or sister into our family through adoption. We pray for you and your expectant child or children every day as a family around our dinner table.  Here is a picture of a silly and fun moment in our home, Daddy and Noah arm wrestling. Haha. It is always fun to get Mom and Dad to engage in those teenage activities. 

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